Sunday, April 1, 2012

For the record.

Ahlan sadeeki. Hello my friend.

Happy April!

First, I thank you. I'd like you to know that I love that you're reading the blog! If there is absolutely anything you'd like to see or talk about then leave a comment or email me - I am open to anything, so don't be shy.

In the past week, I have received so many responses about my picture against discrimination.  Not only was it liked, commented on, and shared on Facebook but I also had a lot of people talking to me about it in person.  My Arabic professor actually told his students and the chair of the world languages department about the photo.  When he saw me, he continued to express his appreciation.  Who knew that something I was actually hesitant about posting would get so much of a positive response! Moral of the story: don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

One last story to leave you with, a couple weeks ago I was at work when this man came in with who I believe was his son.  I've seen the man before around campus and he has helped me with Arabic before, other than that I really haven't talked to him.  He brought his son up to me and introduced him and the boy greeted me in Arabic. After that, I had a small conversation with the man and his son and the boy showed me his reading skills in Arabic.  It is a simple story, but it definitely made my day.  Being able to communicate with people in Erie in Arabic is not something that happens frequently.  I appreciate every chance I get.

Next time I post I will be issuing you a challenge - I hope you're up for it!

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