Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mercy Corps works in Gaza

My dad sent me a video the other day that introduced me to what Mercy Corps is doing in the West Bank and Gaza to provide opportunities to young people who are surrounded by conflict and lack of jobs.

Mercy Corps already works in West Bank and Gaza through economics, food security, youth development and various other ways.  There is also a fairly new program that works with youth and technology.

They partnered with Google and  the Source of Hope Foundation to create the Arab Developer Network Initiative (ADNI).  According to Mercy Corps, this program gives youth the ability to work in the "global digital marketplace" through means such as training, networking, and mentoring.

In the first year, over 1,000 Palestinians worked with this program.

The video below, is Alaa's story about her experiences with this program and her interests in Information Technology (IT).

Mercy Corps updates their website frequently about this program in Gaza and is worth checking out.  They have information such as new affiliates, personal stories, speakers and much more.

You can also find out the history of Mercy Corps's work here.

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